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1. How do I register as a sponsor?

Please visit to register.

2. How do the pairings work for the tournament?

The golfer pairings are based on the overall number of spots available within the package level. For example, a package that includes four golfers can be used in the following ways:
- Four company representatives in one foursome
- Three company representatives and one Fluor employee in a foursome
- Two company representatives and two Fluor employees in a foursome

Using the example above, if you choose two company representatives and two Fluor employees in your foursome, there is no additional cost. The tournament player slots may be used however you see fit.

If the number of company representatives attending the event is the same as the number of golfers in the sponsorship package and no additional Fluor spots are purchased, then there is no guarantee that a Fluor representative will be included on the sponsor’s team. If your representatives want to be placed on separate teams, please notify the Golf for Greenville team before April 10, 2024. Otherwise, all company representatives will be assigned to the same team.

3. How can I get a Fluor golfer on my team?

Sponsors can add Fluor golfers to their foursome in one of two ways:
1. Reach out to Fluor employees independently and request that the employee join your foursome. We encourage sponsors to  personally invite Fluor employees to be part of their team.

2. Request a Fluor employee by reaching out to your sponsorship point of contact. The Golf for Greenville team keeps a list of available Fluor golfers on hand, and we are more than happy to help you find an appropriate person to pair with (subject to availability).

4. How does the Add-a-Pro option work?

The new Add-a-Pro option allows for a sponsor to purchase a professional golfer for their team. The professional will join the sponsor’s team as a fifth golfer with all golfers on the team playing Captain’s choice. The professional golfer list for Golf for Greenville will not be finalized until April 2024, but sponsors that chose the Add-a-Pro option will be able to choose the professional of their choice at a first-reserved, first-pick basis. This year at Golf for Greenville we are expecting 10 professional golfers. If all professionals are reserved before the Pairings Party, there will be no professional golfers auctioned off at the event.

Any celebrities that participate in this year’s event will be auctioned off at the Pairings Party.
5. How do I get rental golf clubs?

Rental clubs can be specified during the player registration process. There is an additional fee of $150 for rental clubs.

Note: All rental clubs must be requested by April 10, 2024.
6. How do I complete my hotel reservation?
A block of rooms are available at the Westin Poinsett. Follow the link below for booking.
Book your group rate for Golf for Greenville Charity Golf Tournament
7. Can I add additional representatives to the Supplier Trade Show?

Sponsors can add additional representatives to the Supplier Trade Show for $500 each.

8. How do I donate items to the tournament that can be included in the goodie bags, Pairings Party silent auction, or the Supplier Trade Show?

If you would like to donate items or giveaways for us to add to the gift bags, Supplier Trade Show, or the Pairings Party auction, please let your sponsorship point of contact know. It is a great way to advertise, and donations are greatly appreciated.

Goodie bags: Giveaways must be delivered to Fluor by April 14, 2024, and the sponsor will need to include 500 items to make sure there are enough for each participant.

9. When do I find out who I will be golfing with?

The teams of golfers and their playing course will be announced at the Pairings Party.

10. What golf courses are included in the event?

We are proud to partner with the Greenville Country Club, The Cliffs at Glassy, and The Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards golf courses, all of which will be used for the tournament. 

All payments must be received by April 15, 2025

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